Sunday, 8 April 2012

First PTA Sweet Stall Nets £51

Our PTA Volunteers Being Kept Busy
Our new fund raising initiative was a great success but then again selling sweets to children was always going to be well received by the pupils especially on the last day of term. We were lucky the weather wasn't adverse meaning we could set up outside and catch everybody as they were leaving the school. Plenty of committee members were present and all were kept busy as demand was high and things got a bit frantic and manic at one stage. Plenty of our stock of crisps, drinks, sweets, etc were sold resulting in us raising £51 which is a terrific amount as most things were 10p, 15p or 20p each. With this fund raising idea it was also great to meet many people we wouldn't normally see and as ever with the St. Francis C of E pupils Mums and Dads the event was very well supported. We shall be repeating this event again soon.

Calm Before The Storm!